Thursday, August 7, 2014

Why The #WWENetwork Was Doomed To Fail In The US

$9.99 a month seems like a dream price for access to the WWE's entire wrestling library, right?  I mean DAYS worth of content from the territories, from WCW, ECW, and the various eras.  Pay-Per-View no longer an overpriced nicety but a cost effective avenue to get your fix.  Yet, WWE failed to even scratch the surface of American viewership.  Why?  It's easy...the price doesn't make sense.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

#WWE Doesn't Understand How To Rehash Storylines Properly.

 I really don't know what's going through the minds over in Connecticut.  It's like they want to rehash stories from old times but just don't do it right for some reason.  I don't get why they do things this way.

On RAW, The Authority vs. Bella storyline was advanced in anticipation of the rather doomed match between Stephanie and Brie Bella at SummerSlam.  While I'm never a fan of having a PPV match between two Divas who arguably aren't that good in the ring, it's at least putting Divas in the front and center of attention again.  There will be two Diva matches, which we haven't seen in many years if my memory serves me.

My problem hinges around the storyline itself.  I get what they're doing at a basic level, I just don't know why, because they're missing a much larger payoff - and possibly more satisfied long term fans.  The key?  John Cena.